The Shift

What is up with the world. People are a bitch. They're extremely stubborn, dismissive, corrupt, selfish beyond selfishness itself, fucked-up megalomaniacs, buffoons, assholes, pretentious, hypocritical and conniving idiots. Need I even say that they're the exact replica of satan himself, or even worse? Is it just me or the whole country has gone mad? Now spare me that holier that thou attitude. You know you exhibit at least one of these traits, or at least one you're willing to admit to. Nowadays one has to point a gun at another just to get someone to do the right thing. Being complacent in a land which has been corrupted beyond belief does not help either. It could just be the cause of all this chaos. Why am I lashing out? I am part of the problem. I can't take it anymore.

Buddhists believe that energies shift from person to person. By changing my personal attitude, and the way I treat other people, I am hoping to somehow change the energy of my personal social circle, need I even dare include the whole country, or even the world. The world isn't perfect, neither are we. But at least let's bring back the personal and social decency that we as a people need to have. Mad? No. Ambitious. Yes. Think about it. There's no harm in trying is there. Those dunces can mock you all they want. Don't fold. You'll realize that you know better and that it is really them that is problematic. Let go. Just be. Then you're really free.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi


Anonymous said…
maybe a too much psychedelic blog...

take a vist to mine at:
tashgorgeous said…
dude... u should get out.. tara labas tau.. let me know if ur in town

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