Seeing Double

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I can now officially declare myself an alcoholic. Three times just before this week even finishes validates this statement. I still haven't slept from my drinking binge last night. Before you continue, make sure that you are not eating anything. I have this gagging sensation in my throat and it doesn't help that it tastes like puke mixed with something else... like mucous. I'm sick as a dog and still it didn't stop me from drinking red horse. Already I have colds and now, probably diarrhea. Fuck. I've been unloading crap three times since the last bottle was drained. I tried to sleep but I can't because I've got this terrible stomachache. Enough of the shit. Yesterday, prior to my drinking binge, and also leading to it, my cousin proposed that we should put up a digital workshop, including graphics artistry, video editing, and photography studio. He also suggested that we give the showroom a lofty-museum kind of look. I agreed, of course and took the nosedive to signing the subheading of the ubiquitous unwritten law. Pray for me.


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