A Week's Worth

In the spirit of bringing myself back to do what i normally do sans the anxiety, this week has been filled with both productive and unproductive ways you could spend your time with. This thursday, Kuya Mark, Kuya Wally, Ate Donna and I played at the Smash Power court in San Fernando. After almost 2 hours of gameplay, I thought it was over, since I was already exhausted beyond imagination and it's been a loooong time since I played, but no congregants, they wanted to go to the gym to "cooldown". I didn't go and became the grinch of working out. So I went out of the building and smoked, drank gatorade, had about 2 ham sandwiches (so much for counting calories, eh) and listened to my mp3s. Then I noticed the most peculiar thing: a badminton ad where Isabel Granada and her husband (councilor and La Salle alum) Jericho Aguas were. I've been playing at Smash Power since 2004 and from time to time I see the darling couple play. The thing is, Isabel has to learn that not every woman who plays badminton should wear makeup all the time. Maybe it hasn't sunk into her bones that she's not that big anymore but please. . . try to act normal. Nobody's asking for your autograph anymore anyways. Nuff said.

As usual, saturday was party night. Decked in our best attire, we drank 2 beers at home then headed straight to Halfway only to be disappointed with the turnout. . . perhaps everyone was grieving with the stupid cuneta incident. Haha. After a lousy beer, we went to Sax. As usual it was stacked with people, and sennheiser (pseudonym) was there, making my cousin ecstatic. We practically closed the bar down. After that we had corn soup and slept.
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