The meeting that never was

11:30 am - Kuya Kris' ass-sistant calls me to say that we will have a meeting with FGP and designer Cesar Gaupo at the Golden Shell Office .

2:30 pm - Driver and Kuya Freddy from research & design arrive.

3:00 pm - off to Manila.

4:30 pm - re-routed at Quiapo. Driver don't know where to go, so we ended up at freakin Divisoria.

5:00 pm - FGP calls, saying that the meeting was over and that we should head to Savarin.

6:30 pm - We arrive @ Savarin, and FGP says that the meeting is now @ 6750 in Ayala. We realize shortly thereafter that the chevy was still banned on the streets due to coding.

7:00 pm - Kuya Kris and I eat at Savarin then FGP says that the meeting is canceled altogether but she needs the driver.

about 7:45 pm - I had to drive all the way to Pampanga. Fuck.

9:00 pm - We arrive home.

9:30 pm - had coffee at Beatico.

11:00 pm - bedrest, I felt like I was coming down with something, like fever.

There goes another unproductive day.

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