Dead serious. The Phillipines has been 'rigging' the 23rd Sea Games. A number of the games either inherently put the Philippines atop the competition through unfair competition and unfair play. As I watched the billiards competition between the Philippines and Vietnam, it was undoubtedly apparent that the Philippines put international billiards superstar Alex Pagulayan and Orcullo against need I say, weaker, and more inexperienced players from Vietnam. Pagulayan has been championing the international billiards circuit long before the SEA games itself. He has played with the likes of US' Earl Strickland, Mika Immonen (who recently enjoyed time here in the Philippines), Taiwan's Fong-Pang Chao, and our very own Efren "Bata" Reyes. It's like pitting a giant against midgets, and rest is assured that no David and Goliath story will prevail. Thai's are crying out that we should not be hosting for medals. Unfair cry, right sentiment. The hypocrites that we are, will never understand this supposedly non-offending statement by Thai PM Thaksin. It's as if he told a fat woman to lose weight or die. Again, Unfair cry, right sentiment. It's depressing how the corrupt Philippine politics has overshadowed even the most diplomatic of events.