
Despite the shitty feeling (colds, fever et al.), and against my better judgment, I went to the German Embassy. We arrived there 1 hour early, which means that we got bored. Me, my cousin and my brother hung out with the faux-fab call center people all dressed up for people on the other line who don't even get to see them.

Enough trash. We were trash. Ate with our aunt, the prez, who herself had an interview next to mine, at Delifrance. Interview time came and I was feeling a bit off. Especially because of the fact that the person who is about to interview me was the same fucked up arrogant arsehole who denied me a visa in my 2004 interview. Today he made me suffer. He made me design a candleholder, asked me my employment record (which was faux, due to politically correct expectations), why I was going and not a senior designer (to which I answered, "for experience, and that we were the second generation of our company") and whatever shit he can throw my way.

After the embassy, we went to greenbelt and my cousin bought himself a havaiana at *Celio. Kiqs browsed for the new iPod 30GB, and I, well, got tired from seeing people over 50.

Before heading straight home, we just chilled at Kiqs place.

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