Singapore... Singapore.

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freakin' bored @ the elizabeth after yet another day of furniture exhibitions. tiger pitchers come @ S$ 30.... fuck. that's like.... 1000 bucks! this dude from indonesia, Hermann Felani, offered me their "original" cigarette named B.D., ... looks like fucking marijuana to me... doesn't taste like one though, yet, it smells like one.
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I also met Milo Myers, who claims to be from hawaii but now exports furnitures from vietnam. He was also the reason I got in way after boarding time which made me miss my flight. People you meet at the Raffles convention centre are just swell... when you're already drunk. Jerry Tan, the organizer of the Singapore International Furniture Fair dazzled us also at the Exhibitor's Night. Plus I got to play the piano at Raffles.
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Turns out the smoking ban has its exemptions. The international crowd also mingled as jazz players swung us off to a beat drinking beer and wine.
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Here's the list of the things I did:
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got bored @ changi...
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then shopped, yet again.

As this was my second time here, I already got to know people who could hook me up to the "illegally" legal smoking places with air-conditioning. Why air-conditioning you ask? God. they only allow you to smoke on the street. hotels don't bend the rules, and I'm glad I've got people here from Singapore who know where the cancer centres are.

It's been a long time since my last blog. hope I remember this when I'm back home.... cause you know what.... I'm still drunk :)
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