17th Golden Shell Awards

Ceremonial Hall, Malacanan Palace, Manila

The Golden Shell Awards is the most prestigious body that celebrates the entrapreneurial spirit of the Filipino Exporters and positions the recipients as trailblazers in their industries for Design, Manufacturing, and Marketing excellence.

Golden Cane Manufacturing Corporation grabbed the presidential citation which is the highest honor given. The family was there, the Pascuals, the Nools, us, and Kristofferson Andres, soon to be Assistant Marketing Manager. We got to see Auntie Frocy give a speech in behalf of all the awardees. After the awards, a "presidential" merienda took place, although, the food needed you to have the acquired taste of a toad, given that the menu included some fried leaf drenched in egg, a pasta that had friggin' olives, and a cupcake that didn't have sugar on top. The security was so tough, all cameras had to be checked in and cannot be used inside the hall, cellphones were allowed anyway (what? PSGs didn't sense that cp's nowadays have built-in cameras?). Other than that, it was a pretty cool gathering of the best in the manufacturing industry.

the international students at our back stunk so our smiles were a bit narrow.

Kristofferson Andres and Kikay Soriano


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