Yes? What?

This is not as timely as it is ever since I've warded off all entertainment when I started work.

Jim Carrey stars in Yes, Man, a comedy about a man named Carl Allen (Carrey) who has been anti-social since his divorce from Stephanie (Molly Sims). Allen lives out his mundane and withdrawn existence until he attends a seminar entitled "Yes!" where he is publicly shamed by the speaker, saying "you don't even have the enthusiasm to masturbate". Allen takes the "Yes!" attitude and meets Allison (Zooey Deschamel) who injects spontaneity to his otherwise dormant life.

Watching this movie made me take a look at my life when I bummed out, which is basically a redundant blur of sex, drugs, alcohol and then some.

After a while it got depressing.

Because of all the drugs I became so paranoid I can't even interact with regular people or go to places I would regularly frequent. When I go to crowded and noisy places I'd have a panic attack and I'd immediately rush to the nearest hospital.

It made me ask myself the heavy questions. Questions like "is this all you're going to do with your life?". "Are you always going to be like this?".

All of it was the same until I went to Vigan. It was then on that beach where when I looked at that perfect sky and felt the ripples of the ocean that I realized that instead of being a pathetic pothead and drunkard, I could try getting a job and having a life, since just then I decided that anything was better than getting smashed night after night with booze and almost ODing with valium. Thanks to that beach in Vigan, I was enlightened. Now I have upgraded myself to being a normal person. Boring, maybe. But alive nonetheless.


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