Game Review: Sierra's F.E.A.R.

Today I played one of Sierra's (of Counter Strike fame) offerings: F.E.A.R., which obviously stands for First Encounter Assault Recon. I must admit that the onset of the game was a bit exciting (more like intriguing, as this is not your average first person shooter game, rather, a first person shooter game with the word paranormal jammed in where "enemy" used to be.) but 30 minutes into the game I was ready to throw in the mouse. The graphics were more than disappointing, the gameplay was rather elementary, and the menu looked like a pirated DVD menu. Other than the slow motion feature, nothing else amused me. Compared to Call of Duty, this game would bring new levels to the word "sucky".

In the F.E.A.R. of boredom, I'm going to unload this game out of my computer.


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