My Christmas Wishlist

1. Repaint my room - as everyone who knows me will testify that I've got a notoriously short attention span, the plain white walls of my room will have to go and be replaced by something Burgundy. - DONE

2. Get an HDTV - every technophile and gadget freaks obsession. In specific: Samsung LA22A450. -DONE

3. Mount the HDTV - as this is harder than purchasing an LCD and dragging it to your home, I put it as a separate item. - DONE

4. Nikon D90/Canon 50D - Although I've already owned two digital SLRs, I've bought and sold them so I'll be saving up for these babies this next year.

5. Wacom Graphics Tablet - who needs a mouse with these around?

6. Oakley Juliet w/ Black Iridium Lens - apparently I've been born into a generation who thinks looking like a bug is cool.

7. HP Mini-note 2133 - I know there's an updated version already but silver is my weakness.

8. Play Scrabble - Nothing like a blast from the past to exercise your neurons. - DONE

9. Go out on a date with my Mamu - DONE

I'll be appending this post a lot this christmas as I scrape the malls for new gadgets.


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